Some Types Of Weaver Ants That Must Be Known

Some Types Of Weaver Ants That Must Be Known

In the Weaver Ants breed developers are nice, you need to figure out some kind of Weaver Ants that must be Known. Because you know some kind of Weaver Ants, then you create a tank that the ants will succeed.

The Queen Weaver Ants

Weaver Ants must have had the Queen, usually being the center of all the colonies. So it was doubtful if any colonies of Weaver Ants will have the Queen responsible for the survival of the colony.

The characteristics of the Queen Weaver Ants

  • The Queen Weaver Ants about 20-25 mm
  • The Queen Weaver Ants or green-brown
  • The Queen Weaver Ants have larger stomachs than members of the colony
  • The Queen will have a wing when not yet mating
  • You will get a Queen only at a secure location from tampering
  • Usually on the leaves that are still fresh
The Queen Weaver Ants
The Queen Weaver Ants

Weaver Ants Males

Stud Weaver Ants is the kind that most his time is short, because it is only in charge of Weaver Ants fertilize the Queen only. So the estimated lifespan of males only one week only, after that it will die.

Stud Weaver Ants have the traits of a more concentrated body of Weaver Ants in a colony, and the presence of males is very rare.

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Weaver Ant Workers

This is the kind that we see in the nest of Weaver Ants, because Workers commonly referred to as Weaver Ants.

The characteristics of Weaver Ants worker is colored orange, body size 5-6 mm, Weaver Ants workers is barren, stay in the nest, the main task of Weaver Ants workers is feeding the Queen and take care of the young.

Weaver Ants Workers
Weaver Ants Workers

Weaver Ants Soldier

This time we will know the vital thing from Weaver Ants, namely men. Weaver Ants are the amount of most Soldiers in the colony, the characteristics of Weaver Ants soldier:

Larger body size of worker Weaver Ants (8-10 mm), the color is almost the same as the Weaver Ants, workers there are teeth and jaw on the Weaver Ants soldier, has strong legs, is in charge of building the nest and guard the nest from all adversary threat.

Getting to Know the Weaver Ants and How to Cultivate Weaver Ants
Getting to Know the Weaver Ants and How to Cultivate Weaver Ants

Some Types Of Weaver Ants That Must Be Known